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Pig (Zhu) Years 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019

PigA Pig is naturally patient and usually cheerful. Many a farmer is greeted by the snorts and grunts of his pigs – not because he’s

bringing them food, but because they are saying hello! The last in the Twelve Year Cycle Pig holds a high place of honor because it is the culmination of the cycle. When the next year starts the cycle will begin again. With a friendly and trusting nature it is easy to take advantage of Pig personalities without intending to because they make it so easy.

A Pig can make great and long term friends. With characteristics in their nature such as generosity, diligence, gregariousness, and sincerity Pigs are sure to stand by your side through thick and thin. Unpretentious and more than willing to let others shine, Pigs are secure in what they know they have contributed. Pigs enjoy the creature comforts of life.

However, their generosity of nature has them giving away much of what they have created for themselves. Honest, sometimes to a fault, you can depend on the Pig personality to tell you exactly how you look in those red pants! So if you don’t want an honest opinion, don’t ask for it. If you are a Pig personality you need to beware of being gullible and naïve, making you an easy mark for predatory personality types. Laziness can become an issue if the Pig personality allows too much time on the couch!

Pigs are capable of a wide variety of occupations and their natural tendency to forage around usually brings them new opportunities at the appropriate moment. Pigs have a flair for style and design and make good florists, designers, artists (of any medium), and entertainers. If you’re a Pig looking to make a new career path for yourself, being a doctor, nurse, dentist or dietician in the medical field would suit you well. If you’re an animal lover and a Pig personality check into veterinary medicine where you can help friends of fin, fur or feather! Pigs are hard workers and diligent. Good team players they are willing to chip in and get the job done enjoying the completion as their reward rather than another rung up the corporate ladder.

The color preference most often opined by Pig personalities is that of dark blue. Although not near as non-confrontational as the Rabbit, the Pig dislikes confrontation and arguments. If you want to give a gift that will appeal to your Pig friend or loved one, try an aromatherapy kit, scented soaps, or fancy body lotions. A Pig would appreciate a crystal decanter to decant that fine burgundy wine with! Pigs have an appreciation for the finer things in life, so you aren’t going over the top with champagne and caviar to impress the Pig. Pig enjoys evenings out, but a dinner party with friends is just about the perfect fare. If you want to show a Pig how much you truly care, jewelry or meditation stones of lapis lazuli, coral or beryl are just the things to get your point across!