The Runes have always fascinated me. A little more known now than they were even 20 years ago, these letters of an ancient people (the Norse) can convey so much. This area is dedicated to all things Rune!


raidobRaido speaks to us of the ending of a journey. Whether it is the journey within or a physical journey you embarked on, you now can see the value in your efforts. Raido reminds us that the path we walk in life is a journey of the body, a journey of the mind, and a journey of the soul. Each (body, mind or soul) may respond to stimuli differently, but they are all separate aspects of the entirety of the self. The body provides the stimulus for the mind. The soul directs the mind to a higher course. The mind incorporates the stimulus of the body and the directives of the soul to create the journey of life.

Communication is another meaning assigned to Raido. It’s not chance that Radio uses the same letters – in fact the only change is the transposition of the i and the d. The radio is the ultimate symbol of modern communication. I doubt that Mr. Marconi ever thought we’d have wireless internet, but he sure had vision and created a medium that has evolved to allow us just that luxury. However, Raido normally means the communication at issue is that with the inner self. Rarely does it include outside communications coming to you that are of import to the inner self, but primarily this is a rune of introspection.

Within its construct, Raido contains Wunjo (joy). Raido invites us to find the joy of going within ourselves. Raido invites us to continue on the journey of the Cycle of Initiation. Through communication with our inner voice, our inner self, our universal essence, we achieve a state of internal joy that need not be tended to by others. We become joyful within ourself. Raido can indicate a period of aloneness where we have to focus on our internal self, distancing ourselves from those who have influence over us. Hence the journey.

The wisdom of Raido is to continue on your journey of growth and connection with the inner self. You may have to face some of your greatest fears. You may have to open the musty closets of your memory and allow yourself the healing journey of reviewing the past for it’s lessons before gently letting go of the negative associations while remembering the learning and growth received.

Raido reminds us that all good things come to he (or she) who waits. Raido cautions patience. As we understand ourselves better we have to incorporate the lessons as we walk our path. Patience grants great rewards to those who learn her lesson. To learn the lesson of patience one must travel within to find their center. Without that centering, patience can turn into stagnation. Be receptive, but remember movement is required for the journey to continue. Make a forward step. Be daring. Find your inner journey to guide your outer steps.

Raido – Journey

Raido belongs to the Aett of Freyr

Key Word(s): A journey, riding, communication, motion, travel, and wheel are all key words associated with Raido.

Element: The elements of water and air are both aligned with this rune. Remember that water teaches us to go with the flow, while air reminds us to leave space for growth, change and development.

Zodiac Sign: The duality of Raido (remember, it takes “two” for communication to occur – a sender must send to a receiver who receives) is signified by the alliance with Gemini, the Zodiac sign of the Twins.

Tarot Link: With its requirement of an inner journey and communication with the inner (some call higher) self, it is no surprise to see that it is the Hierophant to whom Raido is aligned.

Color: Raido, communication, is associated with the color red.

Polarity: Raido is the active force of communication…the sender…the masculine polarity in the communicative act.

Healing Property: With it’s allegiance to travel, Raido lends its considerable healing energy best to the legs and gluteal muscles. As you are walking out the pins and needles in your legs from riding too long in your car which has shocks and a passenger compartment and fully padded ergonomically designed seat, imagine what the poor horseman who spent all day in the saddle must feel.

Modern Letter Counterpart: Raido’s modern counterpart is the letter R.

Special Runic Associations: Raido is the Eleventh Rune in the Cycle of Initiation. Through the communication with the inner self which results in the journey of the soul, we prepare ourselves for the future we are now creating.

Perth, the Rune of Inititation

perthPerth comes into a casting with strong messages. Perth is not a gentle or passive rune, although it is aligned with a feminine polarity. Perth is the relentless force of water. Unstoppable, controllable only to a point, and then, suddenly – with no warning – the water is out of control, drowning everything and smashing it to bits and pieces as flotsam is slammed and hammered into buildings or structures. Perth clears a path for change.

Perth is associated with initiations and in some cultures the symbol is worn with pride by the girls who have entered into womanhood. This was a mark of her leaving total innocence of life’s greatest mystery behind and moving through the change of childhood into adulthood.

Perth talks to us about the unknowable in life. Although usually a prod to action, Perth can be telling you that your situation is far different that what you perceive it to be because there is much
going on outside of your range of vision or knowing! Sometimes the best action is no action. An indication of this is that many rune masters will terminate a reading before it truly has begun if the first rune pulled is Perth. It is said that if Perth is the first to appear that the answers are beyond comprehension at this time. It’s not saying you’re stoop-id! It is saying that no matter how well you think you know the situation there are important factors beyond your ken.

Perth speaks of secrets and the unknown, of hidden forces and unseen activities. Perth appears to tell you that there are things going on beyond your control so it is best to set things aside for now. Perth isn’t saying that you should give up, just set that particular issue aside for the now and let life take it’s course. Action will come, but wait until you have all available input. Perth reminds us to choose our moments for action appropriately. The time for you to take overt action.

On the material plane Perth is about surprises, gains or unexpected rewards. (Just because it’s “unknown” doesn’t mean it isn’t good!) Perth can be showing you where you have laid the proper foundation and are now in the position of being able to reap the benefits and rewards of your endeavors. When Perth shows up in your spread, you can be sure that there is a mystery involved. Mysteries can be good (ever heard of Agatha Christy?), or they can sneak up and bite us in the butt when we least expect it.

On the inner plane, when Perth arrives she invites your spirit to soar to a new degree of wholeness and acceptance. That invitation is an invitation to soar on the wings of the mighty eagle – the bird most aligned with nobility of spirit. Through the lessons Perth teaches she provides you with opportunities to soar. “Chance favors the prepared mind.” Allow your inner self to capitalize on the chance to fly by being prepared to capitalize on opportunities that come your way.

Perth – Initiation

Perth is a member of Hagal’s Aett.

Key Word(s): Keywords associated with Perth are initiation, uncertainty, things beyond your knowning or ken in action, a secret matter and mystery.

Element: Perth appropriately, is aligned with the element of water. Water is essential to life. Without water we die in seven to ten days. Allow Perth and the hidden depths of her watery affiliation to flow through your life, clearing, cleansing, and setting a stable foundation for the inner self to achieve wholeness.

Zodiac Sign: The sign of the Scorpion, Scorpio is the sign most closely associated with Perth.

Tarot Link: It should come as no surprise that the Tarot association with Perth is the Wheel of Fortune. Letting go and trusting to the flow of the Universe may be difficult, but allowing for a little chance brings sparkle. (If not, how the heck do they sell all those lottery tickets?)

Color: Perth is associated with black. Black is the ultimate unknowable. Black is the ultimate darkness. Black is the ultimate unseen.

Polarity: As discussed above, Perth is telling you to be receptive with it’s feminine polarity.

Healing Property: All matters of physical healing are aided by this Rune. Wearing the rune Perth is said to help heal those who are injured or sick.

Modern Letter Counterpart: Perth is most closely identified with the modern consonant “P.”

Special Runic Associations: Perth is specific – if it is the first Rune pulled, the matter should be reviewed at another time as forces are still in motion and the outcome undetermined. In the Cycle of Initiation it is the fourth Rune focusing it’s properties on initiation or something being hidden. Perth is in the physical healing grouping – most of the time in physical healing we don’t actually see the regenerative growth happening cell by cell, but we know it is there as we heal and grow stronger.


othliaOthila speaks to us on both an earthly plane and the plane of spirit. Othila brings the bounty of the universe to us, but asks that we take appropriate action in order for that to happen. If Othila has been cast in your spread, it is wise to work with his powerful energy.

Othila speaks of new experiences coming to you. Although they come to you, you have to remember to reach out and embrace them. Whether it is the
bounty of financial security or the fulfillment of finding a new approach to our thinking, Othila speaks loudly. Othila may be indicating an older person (normally a family member) is having too much control over you. On the other hand, Othila may be warning you that you aren’t taking the counsel of others strongly enough. These truly are two sides of the same coin.

The change Othila brings could be that of the physical residence. Othila may be telling you it’s time to have a couple of garage sales (or sell it on e-bay) and clear out the old stuff so you can start anew. Othila speaks strong of home, property, real estate and land. Referred to as the Rune of acquisition and benefits it is thought to have special help for those in the fields of caring for the treasures of history. For example, the Director of Acquisitions for a Museum would do well to study Othila’s energy. Then again, the Mom getting ready to go to the grocery store may do well by doing the same thing!

Othila speaks to us of our spiritual nature too. Othila asks if we are being true to the nature within, or are we becoming a physical hoarder because we are afraid of being without? Along with the spiritual lessons carried with Othila are the generational issues it represents. It may well be time to “break ranks” with the family’s status quo if it no longer fits who you are. Shake loose old ways of doing things and look at the new innovations out there. Just because it worked for Grandpa and Grandma doesn’t mean there might not have been a better idea since then. However, Great-Grandma’s old sugar scoop works just as good now as it did when she got it new. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, but when you’ve checked to make sure the bucket is empty except for the dirty water, throw out the dirty water, rinse out the bucket and get ready to move on to the next phase.

Your life is what you make it. Sometimes we work very hard to achieve something and the achievement leaves us empty and we continue on scrabbling for that which fulfills us. Othila reminds us to look to our foundation. Is it supporting us, lifting us and allowing us to reach new heights, or, is it an anchor holding you stagnant in old ways of thinking and believing. As we change and grow in our lives we constantly need to evaluate our spiritual and physical paths to ensure we hold true to our internal compass.

Othila – Separation

Othila is one of the runes in the Aett associated with the Norse God Tyr.

Key Word(s): Separation. Protection. Financial help. Inherited property. Inheritance. Native land and home.

Element: Othila is aligned with the elements of earth and fire. Othila reminds us of the roots to our home, our parents and our ancestors. For more of our history than not, mankind has gathered in communal groups at the hearth (remember, a bonfire party is really just a gigantic extension of the communal band or family hearth) to eat and commune with his fellows. With the hearth of rock (earth) and the warmth of heat (fire) man grew into a social animal and realized his spiritual conscience.

Zodiac Sign: With its direct association to long term money matters and the inheritance of either money, societal or familial attitudes, Othila is linked with the astrological sign of Capricorn.

Tarot Link: The Tarot link aligned with Othila is The Moon. With her hidden aspects and long-range associations, the Moon is the perfect comparison for Othila’s spiritual course.

Color: The colors of yellow and ochre, the colors of fire and earth, are associated with Othila.

Polarity: Othila is male in its aspect, it is an active rune. Othila calls you to action, begs you to overturn old ways of being and asks you to sift through the sands of your history and save the precious kernels while allowing the chaff to fall to the wayside.

Healing Property: Othila has been believed to help those who are suffering from diseases rooted in the genetics of the person. We cannot change our DNA pattern, but we can accept that as a growing spiritual and physical being that change is a very essential part of our nature.

Modern Letter Counterpart: Again, the powerful association of Othila is easily seen in it being aligned with two vowels: O or E.

Special Runic Associations: Othila is the second Rune in the Cycle of Initiation with the words and benefits of Separation, Retreat, and Inheritance Othila allows us to move into a position of strength. Othila is one of the runes in two of the Runic Groupings. It holds places in both the protection and financial help groupings, confirming it’s association with fiscal issues and protection of the inner self.

Odin, the Newest Rune

OdinTotal emptiness, or is it total possibilities? What does the blank rune say to you. This rune was added by rumenal in order to allow for the breath of chance from the universe when a spread is cast. When Odin appears in your spread you can be sure that the unknowable is at work even though you can’t see it.

What Odin’s rune means in a spread is often debated. Whether you feel it is telling you that there are endless possibilities before you, or you see it as the emptiness of nothingness, Odin’s message is strong.

Wyrd, the Blank Rune, is a message to look to the inner self. The blankness of this rune is actually a invitation to go deep within. For, the forces that are moving unseen in the background are forces you have put into effect. The forces represent the culmination of your life’s actions to that very moment. One of Wyrd’s messages is that the emptiness that is the blank slate at the beginning of our lives is filled by our own actions. These actions cumulate over time creating an energy flow that is carried with us as we move on our life’s path. It is on the small decisions we make moment by moment that we create our future. Wyrd is reminding you that life is a clean slate, ready to write your future on.

None of us is perfect, we all have our foibles and down-sides. It is how we allow them to affect our path to our goals that defines our intentions. When we are willing to go within and face the blank darkness — that part of ourselves we have denied and kept hidden, never allowing the light within. Odin commands us to let go and have faith…to step into the darkness with the realization that somehow our path will be illuminated so that we don’t fall.

Odin was the Norse God of Gods. Odin taught the oghram. Odin hung from the tree of knowledge and obtained the runes of knowledge. Odin in his capriciousness and changeability challenges you to reach the untold heights his rune represents. If you ignore the call to move forward into the blankness with hope and faith in your heart, you ignore the call to personal greatness. Not the greatness of fame and fortune (although it could be, but normally not so), but the greatness of one who knows themselves. The greatness of the dignity and grace that comes with self-wisdom are available, you just need reach for them.

Whether you call it fate, karma, just desserts, synchronicity, or just plain weird/wyrd, this Rune speaks untold volumes to those who are willing to peruse its depths. Emptiness is often equated to nothingness, but they are not the same thing. Wyrd as a rune represents the fertility of the emptiness which you can fill up with the bounty you create. Nothingness, however, leaves no room for growth because there is no fuel for that growth. Nothingness is just that…nothing. There is potential in emptiness.

When the Wyrd Rune (there are those that recognize the Norse associations to this day by referring to all matters of the paranormal as “the Wyrd and Wonderful”.) Just try doing an internet search for the word Wyrd!

Used more by rumenal than anyone else, Odin’s rune stands for the unknowable. Its representation is that which is not yet ready to be revealed. Odin’s rune can fill you with hope. Odin’s rune reminds you that your future is made from the actions of your life.

Odin was the strongest of the Gods. Odin was all. Odin was the All-Father! Odin, in his wisdom, did not completely chart the course of humankind. Like other pantheonic Gods Odin was not adverse into meddling in the affairs of men. The blank Rune can be indicating the unknowable effect of the Divine in the actions of the individual person or mankind as a race.

When Odin appears to you in the guise of the blank Rune he calls you to look within to achieve a higher understanding of yourself. The blank Rune is said to represent the highest possibilities of human endeavor. A modern cartoon show (Futurama) has an episode wherein a character is given the opportunity to “play god” and, as movies of the same theme show, he screws it up. He finally gets to talk to God and God tells him “If you do it right, they won’t know you’ve done anything at all.” This is the perfect application of the Odin Rune. Whether you believe in the power of a higher being or being(s) or not really doesn’t matter, the higher power believes in you and acts on your behalf whether you know it or not.

Accept Odin’s challenge. Delve deep into the depths of yourself. Hold yourself up to a personal mirror and look deep into the closed areas of your mind. Open yourself to the cleansing flow of energy from the higher power and the connectedness of all that is. (This is another interpretation of the blank rune.)

In observance of the fertility of emptiness, practitioners of runemal don’t assign alignments to this Rune as they do to others. Odin stands alone. When we go deep within ourselves, into the darkness of the depths of our soul, we travel there alone. To give any associations to Odin would be like trying to tie a string around the universe. Instead it is best to let Odin stand empty, ready to
be filled with the life you create from this point forth.

Nauthiz, the Rune of Constraint

nauthizbNauthiz is a rune of challenge to the self. We each have our own dark little places, doors in our minds that we have closed and not allowed the contents of the mental room the benefit of fresh air and sunshine. Nauthiz shines a bright light into those rooms, granting the opportunity to dispense with that which binds us to our lesser self. Through Nauthiz we learn the realization that many times when we shut those doors there are issues left untended. When Nauthiz appears in your runes it is sure that you are going to be challenged on an intimate level.

Nauthiz gives the same challenge of the Oracle of Delphi: “Know Thyself.” Nauthiz cautions you to rethink your current plan. Nauthiz cautions you to look within yourself and to be honest about your capabilities before you set yourself up for a situation to allow failure to occur. It is difficult to accept the blessings of Nauthiz at times; but it truly is a blessing come to light.

Nauthiz warns that restraint is the best course of action. Charging in where angels fear to tread just might get your feathers singed! Nauthiz cautions you to think before acting. Do the research yourself. Don’t rely on the work of others because you truly are not in control or mayhap even aware of the depth or breadth of the situation at hand. Look inside yourself. Are you fooling yourself into a corner because you refuse to see the truth of a situation? Are your rose colored glasses getting in the way of reality – which is so much better when viewed with clarity and discernment.

This Rune is sometimes referred to as “the great teacher.” Nauthiz allows us the opportunity to truly look deep within, open up all those doors in the hallways of our minds, and let the healing light of sun, the freshness of the breezes of the air, and the honesty to our own self allow us to open the door wide to a better understanding of whom we truly are. Caution of over estimation of your abilities cannot be overstated. If Nauthiz has shown up in your spread, it may be telling you to wait until the complete lesson is learned before acting!

On the physical plane, Nauthiz reminds us to keep our word – to pay off old debts and restore our personal harmony with the universe. If complete healing cannot take place, at least steps in that direction are a long way on the road to happiness. If we can’t completely pay things off, make arrangements, focus on removing the debt from your life so you are open to receive the bounties the
universe provides.

Are you trying to push forward a project without doing the appropriate background work? Are you relying too heavily upon the efforts of others and not enough on yourself? Are you allowing the terrors of your past and of your mind to restrain you from achieving the heights you desire? All these questions point to how Nauthiz tells us to go within and “Know Thyself.”

Nauthiz – Constraint

Nauthiz is a member of Hagal’s Aett.
(Sometimes seen as Nauthis.)

Key Word(s): Constraint, need, necessity, pain, lessons, hardship and learning.

Element: The receptive polarity of female energy is the challenge of Nauthiz. Be receptive to that which you need to accept, let go of, or change.

Nauthiz is aligned with the Planet Saturn who hides secrets within its many rings.

Tarot Link: Nauthiz is linked with the Tarot card of The Devil. One of the more prominent symbolisms of this card is that one is chained by one’s feelings or belief. In the traditional depiction of the card there is a couple depicted as being chained to the devil, but the chains are loose enough to be removed. The couple remain “chained” because they do not see (or are unwilling) that they have the ability to unchain themselves.

Color: Black is the color most normally associated with Nauthiz. We have to enter into the blackness, into the deep well of the inner self to answer the challenge represented by this Rune and its association with the color black.

Polarity: Feminine energy is at work here. Nauthiz is asking you to be receptive to the knocking of the doors within your mind so that you will open them and set yourself free.

Healing Property: Nauthiz is considered to carry healing properties for issues relating to the arms.

Modern Letter Counterpart: Nauthiz, not surprising, is most closely associated with the modern letter N.

Special Runic Associations: Whenever Nauthiz appears in a casting it is wise to look at the surrounding runes in the cast for help in identifying the matter Nauthiz addresses. Nauthiz is the fifth rune in the Cycle of Initiation. Nauthiz is the lesson that without hurt we would not truly understand the importance of joy. Nauthiz speaks of personal constraint. Nauthiz tells us we cannot advance further in our cycle without accepting the pain of growth and change to provide the foundation for future joys to grow within our lives and minds.


mannazbMannaz is considered to represent the Self. Normally when this Rune appears in your casting it indicates a time to go inside and search for your true essence. Mannaz asks you to go inside yourself to seek the true you within. It is through the self that we interact with others. Mannaz challenges us to look within ourselves and see if it is our actions that are creating the negative situations we find ourselves in.

Mannaz is a Rune of challenge because it challenges you, as did the Oracle of Delphi, to “Know Thyself.” Although this common reference is well remembered in today’s culture as associated with the ancient Oracle, there is another that is just as important. Under the words “Know Thyself” was the phrase “Nothing in Excess.” This is another warning of Mannaz. Be careful not to exceed the bounds of reasonableness whether it is with your emotions, diet, lifestyle, or the ones you love.

There is a hidden meaning in Mannaz. If you cut this Rune in half, you have the construction of the Rune Wunjo. Wonjo has long been representative of the human emotion of joy. Here Wunjo, who comprises Mannaz, helps to warn us that we have to pay attention to the self to achieve true joy, but at the same time we must be aware that by seeking too much personal joy we can block our own energy flows. Traveling to the beat of a different drummer is fine and each should think for themselves, however Mannaz reminds us to connect with the whole of the human race and our part in it.

Another aspect of Mannaz when it appears is that there is a period of personal growth and development at hand. You are being asked to go within to see if you are holding on to old ways of thinking or being that are no longer in sync with the essence of who you are as a person and individual. Mannaz may indicate challenges coming that will promote personal growth and forward momentum.

If Mannaz has appeared in your spread today you have to be willing to ask yourself a lot of questions. Something else to keep in mind when Mannaz appears – if you are in the process of making a major decision or dealing with a major issue in your life, seek professional advice to help get you through. The old adage of “the lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client” is quite appropriate. Part of knowing yourself is to know your personal limits and capabilities and knowing when to reach out to the greater community of man to obtain professional advice when you need it.

Although one of the more ancient oracle devices, there have been many associations assigned to the Runes. The following associations and points may help you to more understand the meaning of this Rune.

Mannaz – The Self

Mannaz, as the self, something that takes some time to reach and achieve, even though it is always there.

Key Word(s): The keywords for the Mannaz Rune are “Human Being” which reminds us not only are we all individuals, but we are all members of a much larger whole – that of the race of human beings.

Element: The element of air, including higher thoughts and the greater self are aligned with Mannaz.

Zodiac Sign: Mannaz is aligned with the Zodiac Sign of the water-bearer, Aquarius.

Tarot Link: Mannaz is aligned with the Tarot Card of The Magician. The Magician represents the power of being able to make what you want happen. However, that power can only manifest itself once a true understanding of the self is achieved.

Polarity: Mannaz energy is receptive or feminine energy…it is through the incorporation of the inner self conjoining with the stimuli of our environment that creates who we are.

Healing Property: This Rune is believed to hold healing power over the feet or ankles (the body’s foundation when walking) and is said to be especially helpful with sprains, strains and pulled tendons.

Modern Letter Counterpart: Mannaz is most closely associated with the modern alphabetical letter “M.”

Special Rune Associations: Mannaz is the 9th rune in the Cycle of Initiation and brings the aspects of movement and progress to the Cycle.

The Rune Laguz

laguzbLaguz is the flow of water. Water moves from the mountain rivulet to the brook, stream, to the lake, outflows to the creek, which passes to the river, and ultimately out to the oceans. Water flows, fluid, adjusting it’s course to the path of least resistance. Learning the meaning of “going with the flow” is what Laguz challenges you to do.

When riding white water rapids you are placed in one of the ultimate “go with the flow” positions. If you don’t read the water right and use the force of the flow of the water to your advantage, you can be lost in the waves. Capsized you flounder, gasping as the flow pushes you under. Remember you are the master of your craft. Your guidance on the prow or paddle is what directs your craft, your life, forward.

Laguz reminds us we need to connect with the energies around us and use their flow to our advantage. Just as the white water can spill you in your kayak, it can create the force to turn the miller’s wheels which ground the wheat. Water wheels are still used today to generate power. Water wheels are a perfect example of learning how to use the flow of the energies around you to your advantage. Take the analogy inside yourself. Where can you use the flow of the energy of the universe to help create the life you hope for.

Travel, normally to another continent, is indicated here. If Laguz shows up in your spread you can look forward to a physical journey, especially over water. But don’t forget the journey within, the flow of the personal self that Laguz calls you to undertake. Laguz challenges you to look around. Are you tied down to an anchor so that the ebb and flow of life move around you as if you were a rock upon the strand? Do you float endlessly upon the foam like so much flotsam, aimless, at the will of the flow? Either extreme displays a lack of control and improper use of energy flows. Rather than floating aimlessly like flotsam you should be charting your course, using the currents within the water to help speed you on your way. Use this same theory in your emotional
advancement and the happiness you create will be strong and solid.

Going with the flow also includes not going to fast. If you outstrip the current you are moving too fast, not seeing all that is about you. Your forceful intent for movement negates the flow of the river. Don’t negate the flow of the energy of the Universe in your life. Open yourself to the receptive energy of Laguz, allow yourself to open up to the flow of the universal energy. As we are all made up of stuff of the stars, the ebbs and flows of tides from the moon, the turn of the Milky Way across the night sky, the energy of the universe is there for all of us to use.

Some aspects of the hippy culture of the ‘60s weren’t all bad – “go with the flow” is one of them that really has merit!

Laguz – Flow

Laguz belongs to Tyr’s Aett.

Key Word(s): Flow, fluidity, lake, water, and sea.

Element: Laguz, asking you to go with the flow, is aligned with the element of water.

The Moon with its strong pull on the waters of the earth as is evidenced by our tides, is the planet most closely aligned with Laguz.

Tarot Link: In the Tarot Deck Laguz is best represented by the Star, the card of meditation, hope, faith and inspiration.

Color: The green of the waters is the color associated with Laguz. Sea-foam green, the deep green of still waters, the bright green of water (which is not flowing) with algae growing strong.

Polarity: To be receptive to go with the flow, one must use feminine energy, no matter what their gender.

Healing Property: With its association with liquid, Laguz is used in healing issues that deal with the kidneys.

Modern Letter Counterpart: Laguz is most closely associated with our modern letter L.

Special Runic Associations: Laguz is a member of the Emotional Healing and the Financial Help Runic Groupings.


kanobKano is considered the Rune of Opening. Associated with light, Kano makes sure that nothing is left hidden in dark corners. Kano brings the light of the sun, the illumination of the bonfire in the darkness. Kano casts its light into the shadows and has opened new areas of life to you. Strongly associated with fire, Kano speaks about the fire within. The fires of passion whether it be artistic, romantic, or personal are sure to burn strong when Kano appears within your casting. Donald Trump personifies the idea of passion in the business sense. Whatever his newest project is, Mr. Trump approaches it with intensity and passion. One of the messages of Kano can be — are you listening to the whispers of the fires or your passion?

Ancient man used fire as a tool. Once the method was learned, fire could be produced. Fire provided warmth. Fire provided heat for cooking. Fire provided a focal point on the communal hearth for the passing of companionable silence, or for the discussions and reenactments of the hunt of the day. Fire is active, moving, burning, twisting, twirling; transmuting the fuel into another state. Fire in its controlled form is a blessing to man. Fire can sterilize, fire can purify, fire can cleanse, fire can keep the beasts of the night from coming to close. In all its aspects, fire burns. Kano tells us that we should open ourselves to our passions, but control them lest we be burnt.

Kano is opening. Kano is the ultimate in feminine energy. Kano is femininity itself, even in visual representation. When Kano appears in your spread you know that being open to possibilities and potentials is all you need to do. The opening, the chance, will be coming to you. You just need to apply your energy to create the flames of creation.

When Kano appears it is time to look around – a new person (or a partner in an existing relationship) may be bringing the fuels to fire your passions. Or, it could mean that you have reached a new “lighting” (or, if you will, “enlightenment”) and are ready to bring that light to shine in your love life. It most often is seen in a romantic context, but the fire of Kano can fuel other ventures that one feels passionate about as well. With an idea or project you are passionate about, practical application of effort – because you’ll have plenty of energy for something you’re passionate about — and the kind helpful energy of Kano, success is definitely indicated.

Many students of the Runes wear Kano for its well known protective qualities. Some modern students of the rumenal associate Kano with mathematics because the glyph for Kano is also the same for the “greater than” symbol when writing mathematic equations. This “greater than” philosophy can be applied to the Rune as well. Through the fires of passion and allowing light into the dark places of our lives we can become greater than we are now.

Kano – Opening

Kano (a.k.a Kaunaz) is a member of Freyr’s Aett.

Key Word(s): Keywords for Kano are Opening, Bonfire, Illumination, Torch, and Fire.

Element: Kano is the receptive energy of water. A child’s game of dropping marbles into a pan of water shows how receptive water is. The marbles plop to the bottom of the pan hardly changing speed. If enough marbles are added, the level of the water can be seen to rise. This is the open receptiveness of water and Kano.

Zodiac Sign: Kano is aligned with the Western Zodiac sign of the ram, Aries.

Tarot Link: In the Tarot Deck, Kano is aligned with The Chariot. With light to show you the way, it is easy to move in the right direction.

Color: Only flame red would do for the color aligned with the rune of passion! Kano and flame red have been linked through the ages.

Polarity: Female receptive energy is at work when Kano arrives in your cast.

Healing Property: Kano’s healing properties are best used when healing such ailments as abscesses, ulcers, cysts and boils and the fevers associated with them.

Modern Letter Counterpart: Kano is related to the phonetic “ka” sound, aligned with the letters C, K and Q.

Special Runic Associations: Kano, the rune of opening and receptive energy is found in both the Physical Healing and the Protection Runic Groupings.

Jera, Rune of the Harvest

jerabJera is associated with the harvest; with the rewards of efforts diligently applied and purposefully acted. As the farmer prepares the soil; plants the seed, and waters, fertilizes, and cares for the growing plant he is building latent Jera energy that will spring forth for him in the fall at the Harvest. This is the energy of Jera.

Many forget that many of the northern European tribes were far more agriculture than war-like. The Vikings even had farmers who grew plants in plots for harvest for the general good. Farmers in many ancient cultures were held in high regard for they brought forth the bounty of the earth in a controlled and regular manner. In our modern age where we pop into a restaurant or head to the grocery store, we forget that the flour we buy had to be planted, tended, harvested, shelled, ground, and, in the case of white flour, bleached. Farmers were the providers of food; warriors were the providers of glory. Both very important in the Viking culture where one truly could not survive without the other.

Jera also talks about being receptive and open to the flow of life. If you have not received your harvest mayhap Jera is challenging you to look inside yourself. Did you do the appropriate work to make the harvest a possibility? Did you prepare the soil? Did you plant the seeds? Were you patient to wait for the seeds to grow to their full potential? Jera tells you to go within yourself to discover the true reason you can’t achieve the joy you want because Jera tells us that the joy lives within you.

Jera signifies happy and total completions. Ending and moving forward is a natural part of life. Whether the ending is a relationship, a thought process, a job, or attitude, with Jera the ending is one that will set you upon the right path for your new future.

Jera is aligned with the mighty oak tree. The oak has been held sacred by many tribal or earth based belief systems, believed to hold knowledge and wisdom in its ancient branches.

Jera is associated with the number twelve. If you are looking for a “time estimate” for the issue of the casting Jera gives you a factor of twelve. Twelve is the number of months in a year, so that is the first association that should be looked at for timing.

Another of the Runes that is right-side-up no matter which way it faces, Jera is not assigned a “reversed” meaning. Jera speaks of the true opportunities that we can now see from the new understanding of our self and how we interact with the world around us!

Jera – Harvest

Jera is a member of Hagal’s Aett.

Key Word(s): Harvest, bounty, fruitfulness, the annual twelve month cycle.

Element: Jera, so strongly aligned with harvest and the bounty of growth is aligned with the element of the earth from which the harvest comes forth.

Zodiac Sign: Jera is associated with the Sun Sign of Virgo.

Tarot Link: Jera is linked with the Tarot card The Fool. This association shows us the new beginnings that must be contemplated when Jera arrives. The Fool is ready to start his new journey – Jera is telling you to look ahead again because you have closed the old projects.

Color: Like many of the Runes Jera is equated with the color blue…the bright blue of the afternoon sky.

Polarity: Jera represents both male and female polarity. The earth is receptive, the seed is penetrating. As the earth feeds the seed the seed grows. Without the gentle receptive energy of the earth, the seed falters and dies; and, without the energy stored in the seed, the earth remains barren. Truly the harvest is a time when the application of both polarities is most aptly applied.

Healing Property: Appropriately, this rune is thought to hold special healing properties for those who have gastrointestinal problems. (It should be noted that the “harvest” was mainly concerned with the gathering of grains, vegetables and fruits; modern doctors recommend more fruits and vegetables and whole grain foods for those with gastric issues.)

Modern Letter Counterpart: Jera has an association with the letters G, J, and it’s strength is verified by it also holding an association with a vowel – Y.

Special Runic Associations: Jera is the Harvest rune and speaks not only of the harvest of crops, but also the harvest brought by personal efforts. Hence, this rune is one of the runes present in the Financial Help grouping.


isabIsa…say it out loud. It sounds like you are saying “ice-a” or “i-sa,” either way you hear the world ice. Think of the properties of ice. First, it is water in it’s frozen state. Ice can cover mountains or cool the drinks in our glass. It is cold. When we touch it we want to pull back and withdraw because it is shockingly cold. Although ice moves as it changes and grows, it is normally at a relatively slow rate. But ice can move quickly, seemingly to zip across a table-top as it hydroplanes upon a sheen of water it creates for itself.

When Isa shows her cool face to you in your casting, be prepared to spend some time waiting. Isa talks about freezing the energies around her. Look to the other runes in your casting to clarification of where Isa is going to use her freezing gaze to put blocks in the way of your progress.

Don’t depend on others now is part of Isa’s message. She is warning you that although you have received promises, those promises may not be kept. You find yourself at the mercy of other’s whims when you rely on them, and it is best to focus on yourself at this time than fight against the tide. The standstill that Isa represents is just that, a stand still. It isn’t a quagmire of your own making. It is the bated breath, waiting for the flow of energy to move again so you can best ride the currents.

Isa allows clarity. Some say the purity of water can be tested in the clarity of the ice it creates. Some ice can be as clear as glass. Clear ice can even be shaped into lenses of various forms to create funhouse like appearances when you look through the ice lenses. Ice can be reflective, much like water, showing us the image we are projecting to the world. Maybe Isa is showing you that a time for personal review and introspection is at hand. You can’t make much forward progress without knowing where you’ve been, where you’re going and how you plan to get there. Isa gives you the opportunity to go within to see where you may need to reclarify something within yourself.

Isa talks about patience. Ice doesn’t move quickly, but the changes it creates are massive. Creating moraines thousands of feet high, deep channels and wide spans carved out between mountains to create valleys. Sediments, picked up and incorporated into the glacier as it moves slowly across the ground, are deposited as the ice melts. Ice can change the face of the earth, but it can take eons, even millennia, for it to do so.

Isa, with its association with ice and winter also tells us to prepare. It is time to go within to prepare in order to be ready for when the ice melts. Normally ice melts first as a drop, then a trickle that turns into a rivulette, to a brook and so on. As the ice melts, more is revealed and forward progress can be made.

Isa – Standstill

Isa belongs to the Aett of Hagal.

Key Word(s): Standstill, ice, freezing, and withdrawal are all keywords to remember when Isa enters into your casting.

Element: Isa is aligned with both the elements of earth and water. The New Moon (with its hidden potential) and Neptune are the celestial bodies associated with Isa.

Tarot Link: Isa with her withdrawn energy, folding in upon herself until only a single line is seen, is aligned with the Tarot card of The Hermit. Hermit’s are a special breed. In the modern vernacular the use has become somewhat of a misnomer, allowing “hermit” to represent anyone who does not want to live within modern society’s social constraints and interactions. At one time the Hermit was the representation of the ultimate spiritual seeker. (There’s a difference between a seeker and one who achieves.)

Color: Black, unknown, unfathomable, empty yet full is the color aligned with Isa.

Polarity: Isa doesn’t ask you to wait, she gives you no choice. Her alignment with feminine receptive energy should be kept in mind when she appears.

Healing Property: Isa is related to the effects of ice. Isa’s healing properties are most focused on the loss of feeling or sensation. (How many women/girls/men/boys out there have pierced their ears with a needle, some ice cubes and potatoes? Not a method I recommend — you use the ice to freeze the ear, ceasing the sensation in that area – but it is a good basic example of how ice is related to loss of feeling.)

Modern Letter Counterpart: Isa’s importance (and the importance of standing still every once in a while) is indicated by her alignment with the modern vowels of I and/or Y.

Special Runic Associations: Isa is said to strongly reinforce the meanings of the runes that fall near it in your casting. It is said that to meditate on Isa is to achieve the deep inner meditation allowing you to melt the ice that separates you from your inner, warmer self.