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Positive Energy Through Creation

Positive EnergyPositive Energy – As a kid growing up there was always something to do. Whether it was making food or, making candles, or getting wood in, there were always chores to do and things to make. For centuries women (and men) made their own soaps, creams, rinses and shampoos. It is still true today that the gift made by hand carries far more meaning, Positive Energy, than that purchased at the store as it shows the individual is willing to give of themselves by giving something they have made. This is Positive Energy party is for those who are hands on, like to try new crafts, and enjoying creating with their friends. A great afternoon get together or a way to pass away a boring afternoon; for young pre-teens it can provide a simple afternoon’s pleasure; a fundraiser for a good cause; and some have even turned a hobby learned in this manner into a full time business!

The idea of this party is to share the experience of creating something (remember hearing about the Quilting Bees?) with friends!

“Guest Lists Positive Energy”

The Positive Energy Through Creation party is best if kept to a limit of six or less people. If your facilities can handle more, go for it!

“Decisions Positive Energy”

There are a few more decisions for this type of party, so we’ll look at those first.

1. Are you footing the bill, or is this going to be a group project? If money is tight combining funds makes it easy to get together and make things. Do your pricing and then give the invitees a call and let them know it’ll be a creative activity and they’ll be making something to take home, but a chip-in of xxx is requested.

2. Food. Here we recommend quick and easy food. Whether it’s just chips and dips or you make watercress sandwiches, keep it light because the food isn’t the issue here!

3. Equipment. Review the recipe to make sure you have all the equipment you need. If a recipe calls for a stainless steel or glass bowl, then you’ll need to have those. Connect with other folks you are inviting to see if they have some of the equipment you may need.

4. Supplies. Choose what recipe(s) you are going to create. There’s a gazillion craft recipes out there!! Please check our “spiritual recipes” section if you’d like some ideas.

5. Storage containers. As a special treat for your guests, get some fancy containers to put what you made in. If you are making soap, get cute soap trays or dishes. If you are making a shampoo or rinse, get some bottles from the local dollar store and decorate them. (If there are little ones coming, get some glitter or markers and plastic bottles and let them decorate the bottles – by the way, this makes an excellent Christmas gift for Grandma!)

“Work Flow Positive Energy”

Whether you set it up for everyone to bring an ingredient, or you have all the ingredients there, have the “work stations”
set up before your guests arrive. This way you will control the work space and control the work process so messes happen where you can clean them more easily.Have several copies of the recipe out. This makes it easier. If you are doing different recipes, have the equipment and the recipe together as a workstation. Make sure to have a station or two that are “sit downs” because not everyone enjoys standing for periods of time.

“Making It Happen Positive Energy”

Have some upbeat fun music going while you are working. If there are different stations of work to be done, ensure that folks get to try the different areas. Don’t push anyone into doing something they don’t want to, but you’ll find most are going to want to play.