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Information about our research services

Research Services

– In the age where literally millions of pages of information regarding a specific topic or subject are available in seconds to minutes through the technology of the internet and the World Wide Web, it is sometimes hard to winnow the wheat from the chaff. Yes, there are millions of pages, however, it could take years of weeding through to ascertain the goods ones and the bad ones. Search engines whir in their constant crawling of the Web helping people find what they are looking for. It’s absolutely amazing…and sometimes one of the most frustrating activities you can be forced to endure (especially for those of us who are short on the virtue of patience).

Here at DrNikki.Com, we offer spiritual research services for you. Whether your research needs are personal or professional, we hope you will allow us to help you! Dr. Nikki is an experienced technical writer, and has a considerable amount of experience with fiction and poetry also. Dr. Nikki has been published on a variety of websites and is the author of the predominant amount of this website.

We have a library of over 10,000 volumes available to us on site. Additionally, we have high speed internet access and a considerable amount of internet research experience.

The research offered here is not a reading. Readings are offered here. This is scholarly research within the subject area of your choice. No, we’re not going to write your term paper for philosophy class, but we can help you gather the data you need for it. Several authors have used our services when doing research on spiritual matters for their writings.

Our standard donation request for research work is $60.00 per hour. Depending on your project and requirements we can also look at “by the job” costing as opposed to the hourly rate. If you’re interested in contracting our services for spiritual or personal research or wanting professional research for information (popular with writers) send us an email.