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Four Most Common Groupings

Rune StonesThe four most common reasons people approach the runes are to find out information in regard to emotional healing, physical healing, protection and financial help. The following are the runic groupings that have been used for centuries to help foster positive energy in the area the grouping affects.

A caution is given when using runic groupings, especially that of finance.

This may well result in a “be careful what you wish for” scenario. Using any of these groupings frivolously may backfire on you.

Be sure to approach any of these groupings with respect!

A friend who went over to the Gulf put this grouping on the inside of his helmet the day he heard he was going to deploy. He swears they are the reason he returned home safely.

For physical healing write the runes on a slip of paper and attach the slip of paper to the area desired to be healed.

A way to use the runes of emotional healing is to draw them on a piece of fabric and then slip them under your pillow.

Financial Help

When using the financial grouping be extremely cautious. The warning to use with care cannot be overstated here. Be sure of your intentions. It would be better to use this grouping for a meditative focus on a business deal than an “open invitation for energy.”