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Nine-Staves (wands)

The beautiful woman is turning a cold shoulder to the man. He can see her indifference and it shows on his face. Both in stances of personal protection, guarded and reserved they indicate discord.

The Nine of Staves is a difficult stave to receive. Difficulties and obstacles beyond your control or by the actions of others are going to be in the way. Not everyone is on the same team anymore. Be careful of the trust you place in others, it may not be well deserved. It can forewarn of disaster if you have not laid a solid base. From a strong foundation you can face adversity with equanimity. If your foundation is faulty, beware it crumbling beneath you.

Minor Arcana


Ruled by the element of Water


Ruled by the element of Air

(also known as Spades)


Ruled by the element of Fire

(also known as Wands)


Ruled by the element of Earth

(also known as Pentacles)

Tarot Readings