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The rune of Self Mannaz

mannazbMannaz is considered to represent the Self. Normally when this Rune appears in your casting it indicates a time to go inside and search for your true essence. Mannaz asks you to go inside yourself to seek the true you within. It is through the self that we interact with others. Mannaz challenges us to look within ourselves and see if it is our actions that are creating the negative situations we find ourselves in.

Mannaz is a Rune of challenge because it challenges you, as did the Oracle of Delphi, to “Know Thyself.” Although this common reference is well remembered in today’s culture as associated with the ancient Oracle, there is another that is just as important. Under the words “Know Thyself” was the phrase “Nothing in Excess.” This is another warning of Mannaz. Be careful not to exceed the bounds of reasonableness whether it is with your emotions, diet, lifestyle, or the ones you love.

There is a hidden meaning in Mannaz. If you cut this Rune in half, you have the construction of the Rune Wunjo. Wonjo has long been representative of the human emotion of joy. Here Wunjo, who comprises Mannaz, helps to warn us that we have to pay attention to the self to achieve true joy, but at the same time we must be aware that by seeking too much personal joy we can block our own energy flows. Traveling to the beat of a different drummer is fine and each should think for themselves, however Mannaz reminds us to connect with the whole of the human race and our part in it.

Mannaz – The Self

Mannaz, as the self, something that takes some time to reach and achieve, even though it is always there.

The keywords for the Mannaz Rune are “Human Being” which reminds us not only are we all individuals, but we are all members of a much larger whole – that of the race of human beings.

The element of air, including higher thoughts and the greater self are aligned with Mannaz.

Mannaz is aligned with the Zodiac Sign of the water-bearer, Aquarius.

Mannaz is aligned with the Tarot Card of The Magician. The Magician represents the power of being able to make what you want happen. However, that power can only manifest itself once a true understanding of the self is achieved.

Mannaz energy is receptive or feminine energy…it is through the incorporation of the inner self conjoining with the stimuli of our environment that creates who we are.

This Rune is believed to hold healing power over the feet or ankles (the body’s foundation when walking) and is said to be especially helpful with sprains, strains and pulled tendons.

Mannaz is most closely associated with the modern alphabetical letter “M.”

Mannaz is the 9th rune in the Cycle of Initiation and brings the aspects of movement and progress to the Cycle.

Another aspect of Mannaz when it appears is that there is a period of personal growth and development at hand. You are being asked to go within to see if you are holding on to old ways of thinking or being that are no longer in sync with the essence of who you are as a person and individual. Mannaz may indicate challenges coming that will promote personal growth and forward momentum.

rune-block-MannazAnother aspect of Mannaz when it appears is that there is a period of personal growth and development at hand. You are being asked to go within to see if you are holding on to old ways of thinking or being that are no longer in sync with the essence of who you are as a person and individual. Mannaz may indicate challenges coming that will promote personal growth and forward momentum.

Although one of the more ancient oracle devices, there have been many associations assigned to the Runes. The following associations and points may help you to more understand the meaning of this Rune.