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Planets in Astrology Influences and Associations

Here we’ll be looking at the Planets in Astrology and giving a general description of each of them. The planets are important in Astrology and their effects cannot be understated. The Uniqueness of an Astrological Profile done with full information on the individual (date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth) can make this a very exacting and private specific analysis.

In the last twenty years, the sciences of astronomy and cosmology have made great leaps in the amount of information we have about the planets and stars within our individual solar system. Man has landed rovers on Mars. (Well, okay, so we had a little math issue with American standards and metrics on one of the earlier go-rounds.) The success of the subsequent robotic rovers has definitely brought huge stores of information and data to keep teams of scientists busy for years. Voyager has exited the bounds of our solar system and now travels in the true emptiness of interstellar space. We’ve gotten close-up pictures of Asteroids and know more about the beautiful comets that light up the night sky with wispy tails. The Aurora Borealis once thought to be the souls of the dead as they cross over to the other side, can now be “seeded” by scientists for study by firing gases into the upper levels of the earth’s atmosphere so that the light’s natural occurrences can be better understood.

The ancients believed there was a Celestial sphere of the heavens. They understood that different objects moved differently within the confines of the sphere, but the sphere held all. With the fabulous reaches of scientific research and the beautiful and exacting images from Hubble and Soho and the other “new generation” telescopes coming online, we now know that the Universe is expanding and appears to be doing so at an increasing rate. The current hypothesis is that the galaxies are moving away from one another. Here in our own Milky Way scientists have discovered what appears to be a supermassive black hole. It is proposed that such black holes may be the “generators” that spin the galaxies and keep them moving through endless space.

star-forming Planets in Astrology

Although the signs are based on the Constellations which are created by objects outside our solar system, the planets within our system are also important in the interpretation of an astrological chart. The Planets move independently within the solar system, each planet having a different cycle around the sun. Although technically the planets do interact with each other with their gravitational pull, the paths they travel around the sun would be solitary without their individual attendant moons. There is still much debate in the astrological community about tiny cold Pluto and even smaller Chiron at the outer reaches of our solar system. Some consider them nothing more than protoplanets, two large rocks, and not significant enough to be considered a planet. There are many astrologers who have added the “new” planet Chiron in their interpretations. For our purposes in charting, we do not use Chiron as we believe her potentials are not yet fully understood enough to rely on them with a degree of certainty.

Modern astrology uses the planets within our solar system and their individual aspects to each other (and your location) to interpret the charts. With so many variables we know now (because the Universe is ever expanding) that there is less than a one in four billion chance of any other person having the same horoscope, or that particular pattern in the stars in direct relation to their place of birth. In other words, even Twins’ natal reports will be a little different. One may even be born in one sign and one in another. (It is entirely possible for a mother to give birth to a daughter at 11:58 pm on the 20th of April, making the daughter an Aries. Then, at 12:24 she gives birth to the younger twin, another daughter identical to her sister in every biological way, but different in her chart entirely because she is born after the stroke of midnight, literally the next day from her older sister, but still in a different sign. The younger sister is technically a Taurus.) It should be noted that contrary to popular belief, an individual born on the cusp is either one sign or the other, rare is the child that is born exactly at the stroke of midnight and on the cuspal date!ophiuchi



