Wyrd and Wonderful Wednesday

Instant Karma.

A couple of years ago my husband and I were trapped on a plane behind one of those two year olds. She was bouncing all over the seats, standing and looking over the back of the seat and doing raspberries at us in the seat behind her. It was so bad that several of the other passengers complained. The stewardesses did what they could – they took Dad in the back and asked him to move forward and help control the child.

The flight continued with this little girl getting anything and everything she wanted, she didn’t even have to ask, all she had to do was point and grunt. Fruit juice, soda, milk, candy, candy, candy candy candy…. sweets, water, soda, candy candy candy!

Frustrated, several of us seated around this charming (and I do use that term loosely here) couple and their child started asking them directly to control the monster (who was actually quite cute and sweet looking – oval face, hair in Punky Brewster pigtails with pink bows, black velvet dress with white pintucked bib, white tights and little patent leather shoes.) The Dad’s response was a snarly and sarcastic “she’s only 2, what do you recommend I do?” Let’s just say he could not be convinced of the reality that he was 6’5″ and his tyrant of a child was maybe all of 35 pounds total.

Well, child was allowed to continue in her tyrannical ways. She pulled her mother’s hair so the Dad pulled out her little dvd player that only kept her entertained for a matter of two or three minutes because it only had one cartoon – which she obviously knew by heart because she sang it at the top of her lungs with lots of conviction!

You wondering just where Karma is in all this yet? Can you guess?

Throwing her DVD player at Dad the little heathen slapped (and I mean SLAPPED) her Mom and demanded another cookie. Mom started to refuse, but before she could guard against it the brat grabbed the cookies and gobbled them down without a breath – literally! Then she stood up on the seat and started slam dropping herself onto the seat. On the third go round of this activity, just as she was getting ready to again test the resilience of her seat cushion, PROJECTILE vomiting…all over both her parients.

The stewardesses were quick to be passing out coffee packets to ensure that the rest of the passengers around the area were kept as comfortable as possible. It was actually quite some time before there was anyone available to assist the parents!

Many a secret smile was shared among us passengers when from a few seats behind we hear someone say “thank you Karma!” It even received a smattering of applause.

Mom and Dad remained subdued through the remainder of the flight and the little hellion..oh, I mean little girl? Having carried on for literally two hours, after getting cleaned up, she slept the remainder of the flight curled up in Mom’s lap.

In the long run, the one I felt sorry for the most? That vicious little …oh, I mean that sweet little girl. Without being taught appropriate behaviors and being taught to expect everything she wants with no restraint, it may be more than a little difficult for her to cope in modern society. It also shows that while it may in the immediate be easier to just give in and let the child have their way, it may not be in the best interest of the child.