A Summer of Animal Speak

Here in Montana we are all keeping our eyes on the mountain peaks where the final vestiges of last winter’s snow still hold tenaciously to the heights. Down on the valley floor summer has arrived in every way but name only. Gardens are sprouting up the hopes of a bountiful fall harvest, birds fill the air with myriad calls, and the scent of lilac and lavender fill the air. Calves and colts are frolicking in the fields while the sprouts of alfalfa, hay and wheat are turning the hillsides from gold to green.

For many the coming of spring heralds a time to return to the outdoors for fresh air, sunshine and just communing with nature. To honor that “call to the outside” that many of us feel this time of year I hope you will stop in for some “animal speak.” Animals can be a strong messenger if we but keep our eyes open to what they to say. From the crane that flies over the highest mountain in the world during their animal migration to the lowly insect world, our fellow members of nature can have messages for us in a number of ways.

Over the summer months, we will take a close look at some of our friends in the animal kingdom. From eagle, to bear, to grouse and more we will visit nine members of the animal kingdom through August. Make sure to check back on a regular basis so you do not miss any of the articles!

As we live in our homes or apartments, drive our cars or ride the bus/train, talk on smart phones and wear smart stylish clothes we disconnect from the natural world of which we are all a part. These very things separate us from the natural world around us! This year, try getting outside. You do not have to take a major hike or climb Mount Everest. You can receive animal messages just sitting on the stoop or walking in the back year.

There are things that can help you find the messages for you. Maybe you notice a new web from an orb weaver spider as you walk up the steps, or it could be a family of robins who has moved in on the ledge outside a third story apartment. You might even receive a great gift and see one of the many mammals that we share space with – even in our cities. It might be that you notice that you see a hawk at almost the same time every day as she returns to her nest with food for her brood. Granted, not all encounters with other members of the animal world are messages, but many times, they are!

So, while you are out and about enjoying the summer weather, take time to look around and see what you can see. Peel back what you expect to see, and look to see what is there. Insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals live around us more than we know. Pay attention…if you see the same type of animal many times all of a sudden you may want to see what that animal’s message could be for you. So keep your eyes open and see if our friends in nature have a message for you.