Animal Speak- the Otter

Those who have had the opportunity to watch an Otter at play can well understand the traditions who associate Otters with happiness, joyfulness and innocent play. Long associated with female energies and home and hearth, the Otter as a Totem reminds you to delve into the fun side of life. Those with Otter Totem do well at using humor to dispel tense situations. Otter calls out to you to get off the couch and back in to life.

Known throughout folklore and now confirmed through research, the Otter has been revered as a special animal. It’s sleek body, fine fur, and sense of fun can easily and quickly turn a snow bank on the side of a pond into a fantastic slide to the water. It was believed by some Celtic tribes that a Warrior wore the skin of an otter was invincible and could not be hurt. The Otter is another of nature’s kind who mates for life. Very protective of their family, the Otter normally builds its home near water. Rarely on land during the summer months Otters are adept in the water environment.

Symbolic of Spring and Summer, the bounty and joy of life, Otter is a strong totem. Steadfast, caring, and joyful Otter reminds us to remember to keep fun in our life.

The ancient tales of Celtic Underworld, the Immramms include The Voyage of Maelduin. During his voyage in the otherworld, Maelduin and his fellow travelers land upon the Island of Otters. This was the thirty-second island of their travels. The island is shaped like a bird. Careful to observe hospitality, Maelduin and his men asked the sole inhabitant, a man clothed in his own hair who was making protestations on a rock, if they could walk upon the island. They also demanded to know who he was.

The old man had been a cook on Tory Island. He confessed his transgressions to them. He had been a thief and stole from the church. While cheating in yet another way – attempting to bury a sinful man in a grave placed over the resting place of a holy man, he was terrified upon hearing the voice of the holy man. The ghostly voice promised hell fire and damnation for eternity if he did not stop, but if he did stop what he was doing the gates of Heaven would open to allow him entry. Scared but scoffing the cook demanded proof. As the grave began to fill in all by itself his proof was undeniably delivered.

Taking his treasures the cook ran to the sea, hoping that the he could run far away with his ill gotten-gains. In the strong winds his boat (traditionally a curragh, a small roundish boat made of animal hides) was taken from him and he struggled among the waves. In the winds a ghostly image appeared by him. The image was that of the holy man. The specter told him to release his pilfered booty. The cook, terrified, dropped it immediately into the depths.

He came to this barren rock and through the generosity and caring of the otters on the island he was well fed from the salmon they provided him. Through the caring of the otters of the island the man wanted for nothing and was content. Maelduin and his men received the same type of treatment from the helpful sharing otters. Before the group departed, the cook told Maelduin that he would reach his destination, accomplish the quest of finding his father’s killer, but that he should forgive the murderer. For Maelduin, the forgiveness of his father’s killer is the personal choice that allows for him to return to his beloved Ireland.

Through this Celtic tale we can learn much about the Otter and the guidance Otter gives as a Totem. First, both the cook and Maelduin have to give up something precious (the cook his booty; Maelduin his hatred for his father’s murderer). Both the old man and Maelduin’s journeys started selfishly. Through going within themselves they both have found an inner peace that can be reached and appreciated at will. Through the Cook and Maelduin we learn how the otters are a helpmate for man.

Folklore abounds of Otter Kings. Mainly brown, exceptionally large, and capable of speech and much more, Otter Kings hold high position in many tales and fables. They are known for being ferocious fighters when defending their “towns” and legend has it they can only be killed if the small white star under their chin is hit true. The tales of Otter Kings may be grounded back in history in the fact that following the birth of her new pups, the female chases the male out of the den. Daddy is not allowed to return until the young are old enough to get out and about and learn about the world.

Long associated with female energy the Otter as a Totem calls strongly to the receptive energy in all of us. Water is the element in which Otter swims faster than the fish, darts and dashes in a bewilderingly graceful path through the liquid realm. When not in the water the Otter is strong upon the land. Although more interested normally in making a new mud slide to play on, Otter never looses sight of the joy of life.

As Otter slips easily between the world of life on land and life in the water, Otter is an excellent totem for those who work with spirit. Otter helps to keep you grounded. Otter’s play is sheer joy and exuberance. Yet, they are some of the best and most tenacious mother’s of the animal world. Otter teaches us to find joy in helping others. Otter knows that the work she puts in to making the slide to the water will bring rewards far beyond that of her thrill of the ride.

Associated with the Mother Goddess Ceridwen, Otter energy is strong and definitely feminine. Receptive, the Otter has learned how to use currents of water to help propel them through the liquid realm. On the earth they are strong and fierce, although preferring to avoid confrontation.

Those with Otter as their totem are often recognized as givers in their family or community. The otter is symbolized with the traits of service, charity and helpfulness; of caring, tenderness and dedication; of knowing when to take joy in even the smallest of things in life. Otter totem always reminds you to make sure you take time to play, laugh, and enjoy. Whether you are a man or a woman, as a carrier of Otter Totem, you know that by “letting go and letting it happen” (after you’ve properly set the appropriate groundwork in place) what you need will come to you. Dance in a puddle, sneak in a ride down the slide at the park. While you strive to achieve your higher goals, don’t disconnect from the mortal world and what is fun and enjoyable.